Saturday, June 18, 2011

What if?

Hey y'all!

I hope everyone has had a good week. I've had a pretty interesting one...this week had me belting out girl power songs like Carrie Underwood's "Cowboy Casanova" or Beyonce's "Single Ladies". Then again I had a week where food was delicious and I probably gained five pounds...even though I exercised EVERYDAY! Oh well, it's the thought that counts right?
So here's the deal. I said I was going to blog everyday...ya, that hasn't happened yet. What should I blog about? Well how about I tell you what has been on my mind: I register for COLLEGE CLASSES for FALL SEMESTER on Wednesday. Which got me thinking a lot about my future. What do I want? Well thanks for asking, I'll tell you!
I want to go to college!
want to meet great friends. Ones that I will cherish.
want to have a that too much to ask?
want to get a degree in Elementary Ed/Special Ed
I want to teach. Preferably Kindergarten. I want to be just like Ms. Honey on Matilda when I grow up. She inspires me.

I want to fall madly in love. The kind that lasts forever. Preferably with some handsome, dark featured man, average height, soft lips. You know, the basics.

I want to have babies to call my own. Lots of them. Preferably ones with dimples and adorable giggles ;)

I want to live in a friendly neighborhood where I know my children will be safe. A neighborhood where I never have to move away from because of a job loss, or a leaky roof. I want a house to grow old in...and everything else that comes with it.
...I could go on and on and on!

This is what I stay up thinking about in the late hours of the night. Maybe that's why I can't sleep. How do you turn your future thinker off?

What will your future hold?

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