Hey fellow blog-gonians??
It has been quite sometime since I've blogged. Why you ask??
...that's why.
It's really exciting/scary/happy/sad/stressful/wonderful
...all at the same fetching time.
It's pretty cool.
In case anyone out there was wondering....I'm happy.
I whine all the time about things I have to do, but all those things mean nothing in the great scheme of things.
Right now, in my life, I'm just happy.
I'm happy to be where I am.
I'm attending the greatest university, BYU-Idaho!
Life is good. I have a good job. I have a roof over my head.
I have great friends and family.
The only thing that's making me sad is the fact that I just ate a stale cracker. Ew.
Life is good. School is good. Kiah is good.
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