Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The one with Miss USA

Do you want to know what I did Sunday night? Of course you do. I went to the Chelson's to watch Miss USA. I know, it's pretty exciting. I even have the pictures to prove it!
Have I ever told you how much I love Hannah Katherine?? Well I do!!!!!!!!!! She and I are like peas in a pod. I just heart these pictures of us...they basically illustrate our relationship quite nicely. And they're even more amazing because we took them while watching Miss USA. So, here's a picture of Miss California, right after her crowning. Oh golly gee, let's take a moment and soak in the emotional aspect of her fantastical journey through this pageant. Life doesn't get any better than this, folks. I've got the picture to prove it:

That's happiness and accomplishment right there, friends.

So anywho, after we watched gorgeous women with great bodies and beautiful long hair compete, we watched....Celtic Thunder.
Celtic Thunder is a beautiful thing. Five men. Irish/Scottish accents. Singing. Period. Ya. That's right. Go look them up. You'll be smitten at first glance. Oh here I'll give ya a glance:

If you all must know, the one with the long blonde locks is my most favorite. His name, if you must know, is Keith Harkin. He has the strongest Irish accent, which I think is the sexiest thing in the whole wide world. He also sings a song, which he wrote, called "Lauren and I". Go look it up on Youtube. It's ridiculous how amazingly fantastic that song is. I imagine he wrote it for me. I had a friend in elementary school named Lauren, and a good friend of mine has the middle name Lauren. Seriously, he was just confused. He forgot my name and used someone else's. It's okay, I've forgiven him. Ah, look at his face for a second. Are you in love?...................Too bad. He's taken.

So that was my Sunday night in a nutshell.
Go fall in love with an Irishman.

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